About Degen.club

About Degen.club

Meet Steve

Everyone has a Steve. The guy who organizes all the gambling contests – from fantasy football to the Final Four, from weekly picks to crazy prop bets. These guys have our backs for all the gambling good times we can dream up. But who has their backs? Degen.club does.

Our Steve – Steve Grantz of Baltimore – has spent years organizing contests for our crew, affectionately known as the Baltimore Degenerate Social Club (BDSC). And now he wants to do it for your fellow organizers.

Thanks to Steve, the BDSC has never missed a weekly poker game in 16 years, including during the pandemic when he moved the game online and built tools to track the action at two O8 tables and a weekly hold ‘em tourney. He manages our three-tier fantasy football league with promotion and relegation, added a picks contest, worst team competition, and more – all to help his friends scratch their collective action itch.

It’s all those online contests over the past dozen years that has been the basis for Degen.club – a foundation from which you can benefit. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t enjoy the fruits of your labors as much as everyone else. Steve has already built this customized platform so you don’t have to suffer the frustrations of doing it all yourself anymore. And our crew enjoyed the benefits of when he perfected his vision. With Degen.club, he has done the same for you. Enjoy!